The NHADA is pleased to feature Herbert and Carol Barup as Dealers of the Month for June 2019. Herbert and Carol have been in the business for over twenty years. They own a 10,000 square foot store featuring antique furniture on the historic Langdell Farm in Johnson, Vermont. With a focus on pieces dating prior to the Civil War, Herbert and Carol are active online sellers but also sell at about a half dozen shows a year, including the Champlain Valley Expo, Vintage Market Days, and Stratton Mountain.
Herbert and Carol are retired dairy farmers, and the purchase of Carol’s family farm sparked their interest in antiques. The couple moved into the old farmhouse and began searching records to date the building, discovering that it had remained in Carol’s family since 1795, at which time it was homesteaded by a revolutionary war soldier who fought under Benedict Arnold. They were hooked after that.
Herbert and Carol like meeting people at shows and their shop, and have enjoyed countless hours sharing history and knowledge — as well as laughs — with customers and other dealers.
Their store, Hogback Vintage, is located at 260 Langdell Farm Road in Johnson, Vermont, and is open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 10:00-5:00 and by appointment. You can learn more about their business and see inventory photographs at hogbackvintage.com.