“I am a native Texan and received my degree in Business Administration from North Texas State University. Building a home in Atlanta sparked my interest in antique lighting, furniture and accessories. I hardly ever buy anything new.
“In Grand Rapids, Michigan, I became an official antiques dealer in 1976, specializing in light fixtures. Now in my 50th year as a dealer, I have enjoyed collecting and selling early ceramics, folk art, and Americana, originally selling at the Round Top and Dallas Tower shows, Nashville, the Heartland and York shows, as well as at the Christmas conventions each year.
“Early holiday became my favorite collecting and selling passion in the early 1990’s. The German craftsmen produced beautiful objects for the American market when the craze began here, and my favorite pieces are the cardboard miniatures made in the town of Dresden. My first Dresden ornament, a brown cow, was purchased at the NHADA show. I was very excited and unwrapped it over and over again to gaze at it on my return.
“I’m looking forward to exhibiting early holiday items at the New Hampshire Antique Dealers Association show this August.”