About the NHADA

2019 NHADA Exhibitors
From the archives: Exhibitors gather prior to the opening of the 2019 New Hampshire Antiques Show

The NHADA began with an enthusiastic small group of dealers who met at the Long Meadow Inn in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in the early 1950s. The aim of the group was to “…elevate and maintain the standards of the antique business in New Hampshire, to increase general public awareness and appreciation of articles of antique value, to promote the best interests of all phases of antique dealing….” Dues were five dollars.

Today the association has just under 200 members who endorse these same early objectives and traditions while finding themselves at the forefront of a much larger business. From its humble beginnings, NHADA is now one of the most respected dealer organizations in the country.

Officers and Board Members

President:  Richard Thorner, Manchester, NH
Vice President:  Sharon Platt, New Castle, NH   
Secretary:  Melissa Alden, Portsmouth, NH
Treasurer:  Peter Sawyer, Exeter, NH
Director – 1-year term:  Ken Pike, Nashua, NH
Director – 2-year term:  Bernadette Evans, Waynesboro, VA
Director – 3-year term:  Gene Pratt, Victor, NY
Auditor:  Paige Trace, Portsmouth, NH
Past President, Ex Officio:  Tommy Thompson, Pembroke, NH
Past President:  Rich Bojko, Northwood, NH 
Communications Chair:  Sharon Platt, New Castle, NH
NH Antiques Show Chair:  Beverly Weir Longacre, Marlborough, NH
Membership Chair:  Rebecca Connolly Hackler, Peterborough, NH